Bridging Military Experience and the Insurance Industry through the Lloyd’s Military Network

We are diving into an exciting interview spotlighting Gregor Penman, r10’s Manager, and Army veteran. Have you ever wondered how military skills seamlessly transition to insurance? Or how the Lloyd’s Military Network is shaking things up?
Let’s chat with Gregor as he shares his journey and how it all ties into making the market better, including some inspiring success stories.


Can you give us a sneak peek into your role within the Lloyd’s Military Network and what got you involved?

My role within the network is all about mentorship and guidance. I help service leavers navigate the twists and turns of project management careers within insurance. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the industry now, so I offer advice whenever it’s needed, while linking veterans with the right people. And what motivated me? Well, seeing talented veterans struggle to find their place in the insurance world. I knew their unique skills were being overlooked, and that didn’t sit right with me. 



What sparked this passion for veteran representation in the industry?

After leaving the military, I noticed a gap. Many veterans entering insurance were officers (with a commission). But this then left a large proportion of service leavers the non-commissioned officers (NCOs) out of the picture for roles in insurance. Not because they couldn’t, but because they held a misconception that they weren’t capable or wouldn’t fit in.  NCOs bring a wealth of skills to the table despite not always holding degrees. I wanted to see NCOs thrive here, proving that military expertise goes beyond formal education. Having myself as an example, leaving the military and working my way up in the insurance industry, I knew other people had the skills to do it.  

Gregor Penman

Can you break down its main goals, especially for service leavers making their way into insurance via The Lloyd’s Military Network?

The network’s all providing a softer landing. First, we’re like a welcoming committee, spreading awareness about insurance to service leavers. We run placement schemes to match these people with suitable roles and take the edge off the transition. Plus, we keep our ears to the ground, spotting opportunities for both newcomers and veterans already in the market. And we’re big on values – we’re all about showcasing veterans’ strengths to potential employers. 



How does r10’s mission match the Lloyd’s Military Network’s purpose? 

The network’s aim aligns perfectly with r10′s purpose mission to Make the Market Better. It’s all about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) – which boils down to valuing people from all walks of life. We want to give opportunities to people who might not be right on paper but have the skills and attitude to develop and succeed. We’re not just ticking boxes here. We’re enriching the industry by spotlighting veterans with fresh perspectives, skills, and experiences. Both r10 and the Lloyd’s Military Network want to Make the Market Better by attracting and cultivating talented people. 



Is there any standout example that clearly shows how the Lloyd’s Military Network drives positive change? 

 Absolutely, let’s chat about Adam Hyndman, r10’s Consultant. He spent 17 years in the army, soaking up all sorts of skills. Thanks to the Lloyd’s Military Network, he transitioned into insurance, focusing on project management at r10. It’s not just the newcomers – even the senior level at Lloyd’s have military roots. It’s like a ripple effect, showing that veterans are not just fitting in but thriving in the industry. For example, Steve Pallett, who started as a Marine Cargo Broker when he left the Royal Marines and has worked in roles across the breadth of the industry. Most recently Steve was the Head of UK Operations at Lloyd’s, and the Market Engagement and Adoption Lead for Blueprint 2.  

We want to bring unique people and stories to the table and watch the market transform into something truly extraordinary. Gregor’s dedication to bridging the gap between military expertise and the insurance world is remarkable, resonating with r10’s mission of Making the London Market Better.

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