Market Acceptance Testing (MAT) for the London Market Brexit Solution


Brokers, carriers and supporting Lloyd’s functions (e.g. settlements) were required to do end to end market testing for the Automated Brexit Project which will deliver a solution that will automate the creation of a Reinsurance Record and relevant claims into Lloyd’s Brussels Subsidiary.  On the back of the successful delivery of a contingency Brexit solution where r10 lead the supplier testing and the role we were playing in the technical testing for the automated solution, r10 were asked to bid for, and won engagement to lead the Market Acceptance Testing (MAT) for the Brexit Automated solution.


What was the challenge?

A test strategy needed to be defined, a detailed test plan needed to be created and MAT needed day to day running, all involving several brokers and carriers.  The strategy and governance had to be approved by Lloyd’s and LIMOSS as well as the market participants.  The right mix of market participants were required to take part and the scope of testing required had to be defined on a risk-based approach.


How did r10 help?

r10 led a workshop based approach to define and agree on the MAT strategy.  Working with market reps to engage the relevant carrier and broker participants r10 led the participants through the testing process starting with a plan walkthrough and clearly starting the required effort and expectations.  We worked with the market service provider to ensure the entry criteria for MAT was met and that there were suitable environments available to conduct the testing agreed.  As part of managing the day to day interactions with the market during test execution, r10 ran daily stand-ups, managed defect triage and provided technical support.  r10 led market sign-off and approval against the defines exit criteria with LIMOSS, the market and Lloyd’s.


What was the outcome?

r10 successfully led the MAT testing for Brexit Automated Reinsurance Solution.  Acting as an independent between the market and the service provider r10 ensured testing met the required level to prove the suitability of the solution.  MAT completed ahead of schedule and with minimum defect resulting in both a smooth entry into but more importantly a smooth exit out of MAT.